so for my cricket’s water i have gelled water for them and it is fluker’s. her supplement with d3 and without are also flukers, as well as phosphorous free. her bulb is a T5 which i got yesterday so it’s brand new. the other one was around 6 months. it is 12%. her nighttime temp is down in the...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled female, estimated to be about a year old and has been in my care a year in march.
Handling - Maybe once a week.
Feeding - we go between super worms and crickets, crickets are gutloaded from petsmart. 5 crickets every two days, or two supers per day...
Hello! So some people have seen, my girl is laying her first clutch. It is very tense in my house, as she has had MBD. Being friends with Sweet Pea’s owner has helped me immensely, however it does not take away every anxiety. My exotic vet and I talk quite frequently. He has helped with Kiwi’s...
hey my dude. she’s fine now and movements are normal. 60% humidity during the day and 50% at night, misting three times a day and i do mist her wandering jew, pothos, and fake plants. i am not fogging at night. could you give me info on that?