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    Live Plants in UK

    anybody use twisted hazel seen it in garden centre last weekend and it looked really well plus seemed like a really good climbing frame for chams
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    Japanese Acer

    yes mate on captive breed also, i think i recognise that veiled cham also on your sig lol.
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    Japanese Acer

    hey funny guy still it doesnt really answer my question
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    Japanese Acer

    Hi peeps anyone ever came across this plant and used it for their chams? cant find it on any lists
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    American girl in ireland

    Yeah have tried a few UK websites but thought i might aswell try this site also as she still might use it. and dont worry i will post plenty of questions here also but wanted to call with her and see her set up
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    American girl in ireland

    Hi guys and girls I know this is a bit of a long shot but here goes Im looking for an american girl who now lives in northern ireland who breeds panther chameleons, she used to breed them in USA but has since moved over to northern ireland and has started to breed them again. Really...
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    uv/heating question

    Thanks for the repiles guys, think im going to go with 2 separate, heat source and uv source because this is my first cham and dont want to cook the wee man. does the type of cham make a difference to what you should get, logically a Yemen cham(which im gettin) should be able to stick the...
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    uv/heating question

    hi peeps still at my research stage and im wondering is it better to have separate uv and heat soucre for a cham or can i go with the combination bulb, will it make any difference? and what are ur expereinces with the combined bulbs thanks B
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    hi guys and girls Can anyone link me a good Jackson care sheet or point me in the direction of good caresheet/thread here on forum, thinking about gettin 1 of these guys but want to do lot of research first, to make sure i can look after it properly many thanks B
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    Is this viv good for veiled cham?

    i live in ireland, so quite cold all of the time just get some many conflicting options, want to get my research right and set up perfect before i get my first cham, dont want him stressed out
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    Is this viv good for veiled cham?

    hi guys going to link a viv below here this is a question for the cham guys and gals out there, is this viv any good for keeping a veiled cham in? is there enough space/ventilation etc? was going to go with a flexi but keep getting told...
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