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  1. ReysLizards


    this is the heat bulb I use now (in a dome lamp) And he uses a T8 uvb bar bulb In a hood that is the length of the top of his cage (it has no labels on it so I don’t know the brand. I got it at pet co)
  2. ReysLizards


    Yes and I currently dust his worms also. Just to make sure he’s getting what he need. I keep the fake plants with the live plants because the limbs of the live plants are not stable enough too hold him but he doesn’t eat the moss because I washed the sticks before putting them in there just to...
  3. ReysLizards


    I think the eye thing is due to him trying to puff up because he looks fine normally. I just mean the white around the scales on his crown. It’s been like that for about a month now. And yes I made the changes and I tried to order crickets twice now and they come mostly dead (probably because I...
  4. ReysLizards


    His humidity is 55% and he does have live plants and has been eating a lot of waxworms and bsf larvae lately due to my pet store being sold out of crickets
  5. ReysLizards


    So my chameleon Greg has discoloring on his head. It looks like he hasn’t shed his face at all. The rest of his body he just shed a week ago. I just wanna know if this looks like shed or if it’s sign on another problem (I have a separate thread all about his enclosure) I know he’s stressed in...
  6. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    I switched to these, from reading they seem right I just want to double check
  7. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    Okay thank you! I’m going to review the links and reprogram my mister
  8. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    I thought that might be too much. I’ll switch it to 3 minutes every 3 hours
  9. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    His names Greg and his brother my breaded dragon is rodrick like diary of a whimpy kid lol
  10. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    Good, I thought Greg was a she but I couldn’t tell. But yes he’s only had the light for a few days because his old one broke (it was a blue bulb from pet co) but I’m going to pick some new ones up tomorrow and definitely switch it ASAP. Side note: is that same bulb bad for bearded dragons? He...
  11. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    Should I feed him the flies as larvae? I’ve been waiting until they turn into flies. Also I will definitely pick up new lighting for him. Thank you so much for your helpful advice
  12. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    Yes I already had both supplements(the powders) . Is it okay to put the liquid calcium in his water? That’s what I’ve been doing with his misting machine. Can I get those light bulbs at target?
  13. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    Bsf flies and I just ordered him a hibiscus plants and a ficus tree. The attachments are his lamps
  14. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon (Yemen), unsure, about 4 months but that’s a guess. How long has it been in your care? 2 months Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Daily because I want them to be more okay with handling Feeding - What are you feeding your...
  15. ReysLizards

    Meet Greg

    This is Greg, my veiled chameleon from pet co. I have two chameleon questions for you guys. How do I tell Greg’s gender? And is the dry patch under Greg’s armpit normal? These are a collection of all our photos
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