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  1. J

    my new babies yay

    Going on my somewhat limited experience....I'm guessing all females. The last one does have a longer tail, but a pretty smooth dorsal crest. How old are they?
  2. J

    Confused on Pygmy Substrate

    In my enclosures, I put styrofoam peanuts (didn't have easy access to hydroton), screen, charcoal, screen, then topsoil (no perlite!) mixed w/coconut fiber around the pots. I planted a couple of plants directly into the substrate. Haven't lost any fact, they grow too fast. One of...
  3. J

    Brev playing dead

    A couple of nights ago I was tucking my son into bed, and checking on his brevs at the same time. One of them looked a little unusual...pale, with some dark striping around his eyes (not his normal coloring). I gently tapped on the glass, with no response. Usually Dot will wake up a little...
  4. J

    a few pygmy questions...

    My brevs turn a light brown when they're asleep. One of my males doesn't sleep nearly as much as the female or the other male...he's always digging around in the substrate when the other two are asleep. When my two males were in the same tank, one of them generally turned pretty dark when...
  5. J

    BREV OWNERS..lets see some pix!

    I haven't been on in a while...but here are my guys. I can't seem to focus w/my digital cam very well.... it doesn't have macro. Dot isn't usually that white....I took the pic b/c he looked funky. I keep hoping Yolanda is gravid, but I don't think she's fat enough. Maybe I should take Dot...
  6. J

    New home for my brev.

    Looks good, Patrick; maybe a couple more plants would be good. Do you have a hygrometer in there? I'm wondering about the vented sides of the tank...I have a hard time keeping the humidity real high in my 10g's with screen tops.
  7. J

    Is he ok?

    You might want to put some sort of opaque barrier between the cages, to keep them from seeing each other. Even if they can't reach each other, they can still be stressed from the sight of another cham.
  8. J

    female veiled won't keep eyes open

    I am not a veiled keeper, but does her eye turret look dark bluish toward the bottom? Bruising or swelling, maybe?
  9. J

    cham is digging grave?

    Search on the feeding forum and you will find many descriptions on how folks keep their crickets. Buying in bulk is OK if you have a large container to keep them in; if not, don't buy more than 100-250. They need a source of water, warmth, and maintenance food available all the time, and they...
  10. J

    Picture of my new terrarium setup

    I think 1.2 brevs would be OK in there, if there were more plants; what are the dimensions? Yeah, you don't want the waterfall, for many reasons. In its place you could put some more plants; I'd get a lot more twigs and sticks for them to climb on; and I'm not real sure about the substrate...
  11. J

    I'm Still Here

    Wow, Brad, that's a serious water garden! Awesome! My garden looks pathetic...partly 'cause it's been so dry here, partly 'cause I spend so much time on the computer! :rolleyes:
  12. J

    shed wont come off

    How old is your cham? How often do you mist? What's the humidity in the enclosure most of the time?
  13. J

    New Here

    Cork is certainly not as messy as peat moss! But it can be a pain to cut. It does hold moisture well, but you have to work a little harder to get it wet in the first place.
  14. J

    New Here

    that would be repcal with D3, which is OK for now; but you will want to get some RepCal without D3 (pure calcium), too; the older he gets and the more his growth slows, he will not need as much D3 and too much can cause problems. Herptivite is a good thing to have, too; I use the Herptivite and...
  15. J

    My Panther Set-up

    Sweet setup! Must have cost some $$$$... :D
  16. J

    suprise eggs, have q's...

    I never had temporalis, but brev eggs can be incubated in a plastic food container with moist perlite or vermiculite, a pinhole in the lid, at room temp for approximately 70 days. I would make sure she gets some well-dusted crickets for a couple of weeks or so...
  17. J

    Quick questions

    My chams often won't even shoot at a cricket if it's too close to them...they'll do some funny gymnastics to get some distance before zapping it. I'd guess he wasn't sure what to do with a cricket so close to him! What kind of mesh enclosure do you have? Window screen? Nylon? Is it a...
  18. J

    Are Highly Calcium Fortified Foods Deadly to Roaches?

    Actually I think some people use chicken mash (or at least chicken feed) as part of their gutload recipe. someobdy correct me if I'm that only for mealworms? Or crix too?
  19. J

    Panther Diarrhea

    How is your panther doing today?
  20. J

    Brev eggs!

    Wow, what an incubation chamber! I think room temp is usually defined as 72 degrees F. Maybe your nano-reef can have its heater back now....or maybe, like mine, it doesn't really need a heater this time of year....:rolleyes: Now a chiller might be good...
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