Search results

  1. lowendfrequency

    Wanted: Ch. (T.) melleri

    I'm looking for a juvenile to adult melleri. Sex isn't important, but quality and health is. Preferably a CB, CH or long term captive. Email me at [email protected] Thanks!
  2. lowendfrequency

    Trip to tanzania

    Get your malaria shots!
  3. lowendfrequency

    cold mist fixed!!!

    Putting an aquarium heater in your misting bucket is a very bad idea. By raising the heat you've created a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. While the airstone may prevent the water from becoming stagnant, it's also aerating the water which greatly accelerates microbe reproduction. While...
  4. lowendfrequency

    Photo Contest: November 2006

    The second I saw Joshua's pic I thought "Damn! How can you compete with something that friggin cute?!" hah! Congrats :)
  5. lowendfrequency

    multi mineral

    Without knowing what vitamins and minerals it consists of and what proportions, it's impossible to say if it's adequate or not. I can however tell you that the best form of supplementation is properly gutloaded feeders. I use WER gutload and collard greens for moisture. Occasionally (twice a...
  6. lowendfrequency

    google earth

    Google earth pro is not real time footage of the earth. You can however track your GPS points if you have a business account.
  7. lowendfrequency

    new internet explorer

    You are a bit out of date on your information. Internet Explorer seven is now much faster than firefox and compared to the new firefox 2.0, is also more secure. Jump off the bandwagon and open your eyes to the truth.
  8. lowendfrequency

    Guess What I Am???

    Tyler, were these born under your care? I'd love to see the parents. I'd guess fuelleborni as well though. The major giveaways are the frequency of the serration on the dorsal crest, the larger scale size on the occipatal lobes and the all white circular scales along the body. Also, werneri...
  9. lowendfrequency

    Preventing dirt ingestion

    Animals eat dirt for a variety of reasons. Sometimes as a natural antacid like Roo described, sometimes as a source of nutrients and minerals and other times for the natural bacteria present in the soil. I personally let my chameleons eat soil. Care however needs to be taken when purchasing...
  10. Musashi


    An angry juvenile Ambilobe Panther.
  11. lowendfrequency

    Chams Are So Great !!!!!!!!!!

    Kief... hahah. I'm on to you :)
  12. lowendfrequency

    A Shock

    I'm so suprised that people keep bringing genetics up in this discussion. The purpose of preserving strong genetics is to increase or maintain the overall fitness of the offspring (fitness meaning the ability to reproduce in a given environment). If we're talking about a captive population...
  13. lowendfrequency

    my veileds really starting to get colorful...

    I think you mean gravid or receptive, not egg bound. Egg binding doesn't have a specific display color, whereas receptivity and gravidness (is that a word?) are moods that can be communicated through color. I think that female veiled's can be very pretty if you catch them in the right mood...
  14. lowendfrequency

    Pet Health Insurance?

    To be completely honest, that doesn't sound like a bad deal at all. The first time you visit a vet and have to drop $150 - $300, it will easily have paid for itself. I'd just be careful and read the fine print. Make sure it covers everything from exams and xrays to blood panels, surgery...
  15. lowendfrequency

    August '06 Photo Contest

    Hey brad, I seem to be having some sort of issue voting. When I go to vote, it says "Thank you for Voting on this poll. The results will be announced shortly!" However, I have not voted yet for this month. Is it perhaps looking at my vote for last month? Has anyone else had this problem?
  16. lowendfrequency

    August '06 Photo Contest

    I see two that don't meet it. Anyways, Brad, have the rules changed since the last contest? I know we were discussing alterative ideas for the voting process, but has anything come of that yet? Good luck to everyone.
  17. lowendfrequency

    Maybe off topic, but can you identify?

    They are most definately a species of tent caterpillar, although I'm not too familiar with this european species. I know for a fact that of our 6 species of north american tent caterpillar's, all are considered to be toxic or highly irratable to the digestive system as a defense mechanism to...
  18. Misting time

    Misting time

    My Jacksonii xantholophus, Pembe, catching a few drops from the misting system. Pembe means "horns" in Swahili.
  19. lowendfrequency

    Fluorescent Bulb

    From extensive testing and my experience as a streetlight technician. Since we use HID lighting like Mercury Vapor, High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide, the Public Service Commision mandates that we test all installments for UV radiation. You'd be suprised at how quickly UV drops off...
  20. lowendfrequency

    please help!!!

    This thread is full of bad advice. You've basically been givng a perfect formula for growing bacteria in the bottom of your cage. The BEST substrate for a chameleon is NO substrate. I am astonished that no-one has mentioned the fact that your female may be gravid and ready to lay eggs, but I...
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