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  1. djfunkshowkid

    Frog Moss?

    Moss I have rock moss in my enclosure and have no issues. Just be sure that you don't gather the moss out in the wild. Grab some from nature, then transplant the spores into a terrarium to grow clean, bug free moss. Once you have enough grown (about a year) transplant to your enclosure!
  2. djfunkshowkid

    Homemade (low cost) custom cage

    I'm off on my lil ventures again, and finally got sick of these pet store cages that I'm keeping my Veiled Chameleons in. Currently, one is a 16"x16"x24" all screened cage. The other one is a 14"x14"x20" glass/screen terrarium. I (personally) don't think that these are adequate for neither the...
  3. djfunkshowkid

    Questions of Acclimation

    haha, yeah it did when I was setting things up. *No chameleons were harmed in this process" I sat another light there and neglected to turn it off while working on the other enclosure. All is fine now. If anything, I think my thermometer is off...and it's not showing the correct temp...
  4. djfunkshowkid

    Questions of Acclimation

    Hmmm...checked after their misting shower, and here he is, out of the way of the mist...and dark olive green again. Maybe the thermometer is bad? Is he too cold? It's showing the ambient air being 80-85* and humidity at 45-60%.
  5. djfunkshowkid

    Questions of Acclimation

    Hey there, just had a quick question. I got on Veiled about 6mo old and he acclimated to his new home just fine (just haven't seen him actively drink yet). His colors are great, he's eating...and for the first couple days he hung out in the back...but now is all over his enclosure. I picked up...
  6. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Came home and its dead.....bummer....
  7. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Here is a video I caught of her doing something with It's eyes.
  8. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Ok, just bought a "Reptisun 5.0 UVB" for her, and a cool mist humidifier. I have the humidifier on the lowest setting and it still seems a little too "foggy" in there. Ambient temp is now a cool 70-75* Basking area is 80-85* Humidity is at a consistent 75% Once I get to my computer I'll...
  9. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Well, my freakin $75 light just blew. Guess im going to town to get another one (PetSmart better exchange it). I'll be...
  10. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Wow dude, what an epic video! That gave me so much useful information that I didn't know about Jacksons, and a few things to change. However, would you suggest such a wet/dry environment right now while he/she is so young? Mine is moving around a bit, specially this morning. The eyes are...
  11. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson learning that they are quite different than my veileds....
  12. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Alright, so I re-arranged a few things, and now I have his humidity around 75% and ambient temp 75-80*. Everything is on timers (including the misting machine) everything it completely quarantined and off limits!
  13. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Right, the plant light is just to add more spectrum of lighting and to add a bit of UV-A. The UV-B is a 100w UVB/UVA/Heat bulb for basking. Of course, now that I think about it....should the UVB and basking be seperate so he could get out of the UVB rays and just get warm? Hmmmmmmm
  14. djfunkshowkid

    New chameleon room

    Man, that is a fantastic idea when it comes to keeping in the humidity. Do you plan on adding some mold resistant lining on your interior walls?
  15. djfunkshowkid

    Am I doing it right?

    That would work for now...but if your going get another cage, may as well save your money and get a large one. Those small cages are ok while they are babies, but veileds need LOTS of room (specially height). They look awesome though....and as mentioned before with adding more foliage, also...
  16. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Oh...learn something new every day. I didn't think females had the upper horns at ALL....But...handling is off limits, misting system is set every hour, and putting 4 small crickets in daily for the next week. Let's hope for the best.
  17. djfunkshowkid

    Small round bumps on juvy Veiled chameleon

    Bumpies... If the little "bumps" are along the very tip of vertebrae, then yes....they are probably just his lil spikes growing. However, if there are bumps along his sides...then you need to take a closer look: If the bumps are along it's rib cage (you should be able to see its ribs...
  18. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    She? How can you tell that it is a she at only 3-4mo old? I thought females show NO horns at all. In this photo, you can clearly see 3 small ones. Also....right now, the cage is 16x16x20...which I would think would be plenty large enough for right now while she is only a few inches long. Or...
  19. djfunkshowkid

    Lathargic Jackson

    Hey all, I took in a Jackson from a friend to try to get him (?) back to good health. I believe that he/she is only 3-4 months old (about 4-5in from head to tip of tail). He doesn't move around all that often, and just sits there with his eyes closed. I know she CAN open her eyes, because...
  20. djfunkshowkid

    my veiled chams eyes are swollen HELP!!!

    Wood chips from a pet store? If your talking about those cedar hampster, sorry to say but take those out. You really shouldnt use anything as a substrate except for maybe some paper towels, or a removable/cleanable carpet. I just read where you meantioned that he is in a...
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