Your Chameleon - Olive (my cham) is a Veiled chameleon, female, she is around 6-7 months. I’ve had her for around 3 months.
Handling - I only pick her up 1-2 times a day
Feeding - I’m feeding her mealworms, I know that’s not the best option but it’s what I have right now. I’m looking into...
I feed her this morning and just feed her right now and managed to get her to eat some finely shredded carrots and zucchini by putting some mealworms on top.
So I’ve had my chameleon for a couple months and she is really healthy and has settled in well, she has a great diet and is getting fed gut loaded feeder insects. I’m looking into branching out her diet but with all the videos and research I haven’t seen to have caught onto how people get their...
Okay. When she is being held, does she close her eyes or fall asleep? No, when she is being held she likes to crawl up my shirt and my arms, she likes to get to my head and look over at everyone. She likes getting to the highest spot. And sometimes she will look out the window or just explore my...
Ok thanks. I also have another question. So I just put her lay bin. Will she just lay them on her own, how do I get her to realize that she can lay her eggs in it?
I could never run that many accounts lol. I have so many animals including my chameleon idk if I could do that lol. You not crazy, your just doing the impossible lol.
She likes walking around and crawling in your hand, she’s not terrified at all she’s really sassy, she does what she wants lol. She’ll let you know when she wants to go back home lol.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, female, pretty sure 7-9 months. A couple of weeks my care. We talked about a lay bin for her, which she needs as soon as possible. You can find playsand at a home improvement store. Yep okay I ordered some soil, the soil in my backyard has a...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, female, pretty sure 7-9 months. A couple weeks in my care.
Handling - 3-4 times a day.
Feeding - Crickets/super worms with calcium? 7-8 crickets, 4-6 super worms. Sometimes I’ll feed her crickets one day, superworms another day.
Supplements -...
Yeah it might be weight. I am a new chameleon owner so I haven’t had her fora long time, so I don’t really know.The people I got her from said she was digging almost so yes I will be sure to check out the video on the lay bin. And put one in her enclosure as fast as I can. Thank you for the tips!
I’m new to this whole chameleon thing, I did my research and have what I need, but I was really wondering what else I need to add to the encloser. I have been hearing stuff about a lay box, but I was unsure what that was all about. Tips would be appreciated!
Lol yeah idk if mine hates me or loves me it’s more of a love hate relationship. But she definitely hates my birds and my dogs lol. She gives them dirty looks if they come to close lol.