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  1. L

    He has been dark ever since shedding

    This is identical to my chameleon including name, time I got him, where I live, cage set up, everything omg. That's wild.
  2. L

    Veiled Red Stripe???

    My veiled is 2-3 months, I posted yesterday about a separate issue and realized I wanted to ask about this as well. The stripes on his sides that are normally yellow for a veiled sometimes turn red? Usually when he's basking or other times at random. I thought it might be just because his skin...
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    Small Shed Issue

    The Zoo Med Shed aid definitely is helping with the spots around his limb and the small amount on his dorsal side - but I can't tell if it's helping the spot yet. It does look more diffuse/translucent then before. But I don't want to spray or bother him any more today after that traumatic...
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    Small Shed Issue

    So I went to my local exotic store to get him a new light. I looked up the thrive ight and you're right it doesn't even say if it's T5 orT8 so I went and got a 24 inch reptisun T5HO as well as a 50watt bulb just in case the 100w is too warm after i've lowered the basking spot. Here are some...
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    Small Shed Issue

    Oh my goodness i just realized the typo ! it's w/o D3 every day, I was very sleepy and scared about him this morning! AHHHH ! rookie typo i'm so sorry. The thought of having accidentally burnt him is killing me. And Pics incoming! I just woke up from a nap!
  6. L

    Small Shed Issue

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, 1 week exactly Handling - I have been about every day, which seems like a lot, but only when he acts interested to hang out and crawls onto my hand. Feeding - I try to feed him what he wants to eat in the morning and early afternoon which is...
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    Small Shed Issue

    Pascal is about 2-3 months I'd estimate. I got him from petsmart ( I know a poor choice, but he appeared healthy and he's been behaving absolutely normally ) I've had him less than a week and he had his first shed. He absolutely hates it when I mist so it makes it hard to increase those and I'm...
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