I was watching a vid from neptune the chameleon, and she said that I would be paying more if I got one of those, and getting a normal 60 Watt light bulb would work.
Yeah, I didn't mind your comment, I get it. If I am an adult that is able to get a job and work for money I should instead of using GoFundMe. It's just that with me being under the age that you have to be to work, it's really hard for me to get money for her.
I haven't gotten it yet
I am getting the uvb today. So what your saying is remove the dual fixture, but take the heat bulb, then take the red bulb out the single fixture and put the heat bulb?
At first, i was taking care of it, and supplying most of her needs, this is my 1st time owning a cham. I didnt even mean to take it in. i am young, so money isnt so easy, especially with covid. I have more classes than a normal teenager has. i have school from 8 in the morning, till 5 pm. it is...
If anyone can help with vet costs, I would really appreciate it, I got enough for a uvb, and some plants. I just need a bit more for a vet. Anything counts.