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  1. Pluto_the_Panther


    Good luck, odds are your issue is probably more straightforward than whatever mystery problem my guy has.
  2. Pluto_the_Panther


    Well, my guys seems to have beat the gaping issue. He's just lethargic all a lot. Afternoons he's usually lying around looking sad. Some mornings he gets up but most he just stays where he's at. Despite this, I think he's improving because at least he's mostly awake when he's lying around...
  3. Pluto_the_Panther


    So far not much improvement on his tongue.
  4. Pluto_the_Panther


    This might give some insight. Today I did not mess with him as far as trying to get him to bask or take him outside. All I did was feed him some dubias. He never went to bask and stayed in the lower areas of the cage the whole time. He also never gaped that I know of. I seems that going up to...
  5. Pluto_the_Panther


    Appointment is scheduled with Dr. Todd Cecil at 12 on Thursday.
  6. Pluto_the_Panther


    Any thoughts on why his gaping stopped at one point during both antibiotics? That's the one thing throwing me off.
  7. Pluto_the_Panther


    I see him breathing with his mouth open. Sometimes he'll open it wider as he's taking a breath in. At times his mouth has had a lot of stringy saliva. Sometimes it has made bubbles in his throat.
  8. Pluto_the_Panther


    A kidney issue could cause breathing difficulties?
  9. Pluto_the_Panther


    Despite a lot of gaping today he's cruising around rn.
  10. Pluto_the_Panther


    Yeah that's what I find weird. No nose tilting at all. He does full gaping with deep breaths though.
  11. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    I think it's both actually.
  12. Pluto_the_Panther

    Reptaid for RI?

    Yeah, I agree. It didn't seem to negatively affect him as far as I could tell. He's on yet another antibiotic atm so I've taken him off the reptaid.
  13. Pluto_the_Panther

    Reptaid for RI?

    Ok this is for anyone reading this in the future. Reptaid did not cure his RI but keep in mind neither did vet prescribed antibiotics. However, reptaid definitely helped keep him stable when off antibiotics and even seemed to be working for a little. My conclusion is that the proper use for...
  14. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    I agree that there's probably something else going on and I plan to see a vet soon. However, to me this sure looks like an RI.
  15. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    He eats however much I'll give him. He poops rather infrequently. As long as 2 weeks. His poop looks both digested and has undigested section. He often hangs out in the bottom unless I move him up to the top after which he happily basks and then goes down to bottom and stays there the rest of...
  16. Pluto_the_Panther


    Not looking good today. This is awful timing. I have finals Saturday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
  17. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    I think it's just piperacillin?
  18. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    I've already done full rounds of Fortaz and Amikacin. Both times the RI seemed to go away and then returned.
  19. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    Yes I see that but they are talking about different antibiotics right?
  20. Pluto_the_Panther

    Experience With Piperacillin?

    Sorry I'm a little confused. What part should I be reading?
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