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  1. glebb

    5 Month old Panther Gaping

    Chameleon: Ambilobe Panther Chameleon, Male, 5 Months Old. He's been in my care for over a month (gotten him June 9th) Handling: I'd say I handle him fairly regularly. I'm not "playing" with him or anything, I usually just try to handle him off his tree and outside sometimes. Feeding: I feed...
  2. glebb

    5 Month old Panther Gaping

    Hello I have a five month old panther chameleon. I'm coming to this forum for second opinions. My Cham is gaping seemingly randomly... he did this when he was younger but only while basking, and thus I just dismissed the issue as the basking spot being to warm and toasty. It's kinda scaring me...
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