My little guy is 5 1/2 weeks old so he changes just about every day. He is eating, drinking and happily moving all around his enclosure. This week he has gotten this black spot on his back. Is it a burn? Fungus? Or just his coloring? I have pictures of his enclosure. It’s a reptibreeze 18 x 18 x...
Yes Mom (Luna) and Dad (Randall) are both quite healthy. I was also expecting the eggs to hatch in Nov-Dec. And once they didn't I almost threw them out but they were still plump so I just left them alone. Then one day in January my son was like....Hey have you checked the eggs lately? And we...
The eggs are in a plastic container with vermiculite and some sand (the mom lays her eggs in sand so when I scoop them out I try to carefully get them out without turning them so some sand comes with them. The guy I spoke to about incubating them told me to have enough water in the vermiculite...
Okay so for a while baby number #2 (Mike) was thriving, doing well, eating fruit flies, exploring his habitat and looking great. The past three days he suddenly stopped eating and drinking. He declined REALLY quickly. I have been worried and trying everything I could to get him to spark up to no...
I have lowered the temps to low 70’s at the bottom and upper 70’s low
80’s at basking. He seems to be hunting the fruit flies and watching them but still not eating. He does drink droplets when I mist the cage. He is 5 days old now. The picture with the crickets was the first hatchling. The...
The older one did not make it. She passed about an hour ago. She never would eat. The younger one is still active and exploring but doesn’t eat either so I’m afraid he will suffer the same fate. He looks at the fruit flies and I can see his eyes following them but hasn’t tried to catch one yet...
I did lower the temp to around 72 at the bottom and 80 at the basking ledge at the top. I just don't know how to best present their food so that they eat it. This is my first time with hatchlings and just having the fruit flies in the cage is not working because they are too slow when they are...
We have had a second egg hatch yesterday, this lil guy is exploring a lot more than the first one did. There are tons of fruit flies in their enclosure as well as some pinhead crickets and tiny little beetles. I haven’t seen him eat yet either but he still had quite a bit of yolk sac. Is there a...
I will lower the temp and see if that helps. There was some of the yoke sac left the first few days so I didn’t worry too much about it eating. But now that is gone.
I have about 90% vermiculite in the container but the eggs were laid in sand so when I scooped them out I scooped the sand...
I have a hatchling that is six days old. It is drinking water but not eating. It sleeps a lot and will roam around every few hours but it will not eat. It is very lethargic. I have tried fruit flies, pinhead crickets, tiny worms and nothing seems to attract it to eat. I have all of the habitat...
I have a hatchling that is six days old. It is drinking water but not eating. It sleeps a lot and will roam around every few hours but it will not eat. It is very lethargic. I have tried fruit flies, pinhead crickets, tiny worms and nothing seems to attract it to eat. I have all of the habitat...
My female laid a bunch of eggs after she and my male mated. They are kind of smushy and yellow but they are growing and have doubled in size since she laid them three months ago. If they don’t turn bright white are they infertile? Would they grow if they are infertile?