I'm having same issue but mine are about three months into incubation and it's veiled chameleon eggs and it's only two so far but everyone else is developing properly
Where are you located at I'm trying to get into my vet I think my girl having same issues but she laid 41 eggs but she's retaining some I'm giving her liquid vitamins
She does get perfume most of the time when she sees me but I have felt her abdomen and those are the only two in there I'm going to call around and see if there's anything else I can do besides waiting to go to the vet because I don't want her to become sepsis and die but she is eating and...
This is her now she is eating and drinking and she looked phisicaly ready to and she didn't need assistance or anything she dug laid and covered the hole
I have called the vet numbers of times the vet is actually sopposed to call me back to go over all my notes I left for them lol ....I am I only did that yesterday and put her back she is eating again more but seldemly and does it have to be over 200$ for the amount you enter and I applied and...
Sorry very late response she actually gets the reptavite with D3 twice a month and the regular with out daily or everyother day but now my concern is she laid on the 27early morning I woke to her covering her hole but she retained two eggs I've called vets I can't get in till I get paid anything...
I do but she stopped eating food so haven't been able to give it to her is why I'm worried about the vitamin deficiency but she is drinking water everyday
Sex obviously female lol veiled chameleon shes close to 2yrs of age I rescued her about 6 months ago she gets all safe required powders with and without D3 every day and twice a month she normally eats crickets wax worms hornworms and moths and horn moths and lately shes not eating just drinking...
Am redoing her live plants she has fake foliage rn but as soon as she lays I'm putting it back in for her she has alot of privacy should I try to re do her bin with the plays and and soul
Has the t5ho 10 uvb basking light is 65 watt recommend light live plants coverage she is getting the powder with D3 daily and without D3 twice a month but as of late she stopped eating and is only drinking and she started pacing like three days ago and I mist in the am d4 lights on and b4 lights...
First two pis is why I think vitamin a problems but just now have been doing what she does in the photo bit she drinks pees poop ok and moves around fine just making me worried