I genuinely appreciate all the time you took to respond!
I'll answer your questions in order!
I give him an antibiotic, doxyciline at night about 0.03mls. and artificial tears to help with some eye problems he was having.
I was not using the phosphorus free Fluckers but I will certainly look...
Thank you!! I went bioactive and the kit that I had bought came with the moss and said I should use it so I did. The Bioactive enclosure hold humidity very well.
The temp gets around 70 to 72ish degrees when I fog/mist. I will get rid of the moss to get rid of bacteria.
The vet thought the...
Hello, I am new here. My chameleon has been battling a respiratory infection and is being treated by a vet. However I now know that I accidentally caused this infection because his enclosure isn't what it should be. I am working everyday to make it better but my vet recommended that I come on...