Well the swing is pretty good you know in the wild it’ll swing like that throughout the day :) my room does swing a bit too (opposite side of house from AC lol) and Van doesn’t seem to mind at all
I looked him over again and the one on his head is for sure a burn it’s very small though and yeah I think you’re right I think I just got freaked out when I saw that one and believed his stripes to be burns too
Yeah Van likes to turn all black when angry he’s never done those spots straight black and have other green colors which led me to believe they’re burns plus his odd behavior today while handling, he likes to be handled
Yeah I’m not sure I do think the one on his casque is. Would it be possible...
Yeah he’s had brown there but never black so it freaked me out I was guessing maybe the dark color absorbed it while green kinda reflected it? Does that sound stupid? Part of his casque like a scale or two was kind of a white ish color and he just finished shedding a couple days ago so I...
Yeah Van’s casque never had that coloration but he just got the black spot and I was freaked out but I waited and these black spots didn’t change color so I believe they’re burns. But it wouldn’t make sense with placement but I think the higher dots on his sides are burns not sure about the...
He has a ceramic heat bulb so it really puzzled me how he got burnt. And he was such a little champ!!! He didn’t hiss he didn’t gape or even move! I’m so proud of him!
Thanks so much, and yeah I held my hand where my hand would be on his back if he was beneath it and my hand felt just fine it was a nice temperature but he somehow got burned :(
Thank you so much, I have silver sulfadiazine that my little sister never used. Should I put that on all the black spots? How often? And I’m guessing a little bit on a cotton swab? Also I turned his heat off right now until I can resolve issue, should I stay this way?
How can I help him? I’m making sure he stays hydrated that’s all I know. What medications or things can I get to help him? He won’t like being touched but if it means he’ll be okay I need to
I’m so upset, Van’s basking spot was all fine until I added a plant and it should’ve been fine but he got onto the plant and shifted over under the light and he got burnt. Some is where his head and casque meet, some is on his sides in a really weird spot and the burns are a charcoal gray color...