Hello all, Pandora appears to be better to some level. She's moving around the terrarium a bit but not as much as when I got her. Vet had prescribed an antibiotic and an inflammatory. The antibiotic is done, but the anti-inflammatory is still for another 2 weeks.
I believe she's on the...
I mentioned that I have her lay bin in the terrarium now. I've tried to show her the bin a few times now, but she shows no interest and just climbs to the top and stays there and doesn't move. She ate 4 crickets quickly and well today (I didn't feed her yesterday), but has no interest in...
I got the egg lay bin in there this evening. I gave the whole terrarium an overhaul, but kept things simple for a couple of days. I feel I need more vines and height for her but I do feel better knowing the egg lay bin is there. I really hope she notices it. I put her in it but she...
Wow. The chameleon academy link is so informative. I’m very fortunate I found this group. I’m getting her lay bin in there as we speak and I hope it’s not too late. I’ve only been a chameleon owner for a month so this is like drinking from a firehose. Thank you for the support.
I will be removing the substrate (I bought reptile carpet instead), water bowls, and attaching more of the flora to provide protection in the coming days
I've only owned Pandora for about a month now. She's an adult Chameleon probably 3-4 years old. When I first got her home she was very active. I'm trying to do my best to take care of her, but she has gotten lathargic in the last couple of days. I have a vet appointment, but not...