Like a fool I already cleaned it up. They said that I could drop one off the next time he goes. Should I feed him and see if he goes? Today would normally not be a feeding day for him
Yeah, it’s absolutely disgusting and it smells horrid too. I just got him in for this Thursday but I doubt this current “batch” won’t be viable then. Anything I can do to encourage him to go between now and his appointment? If I give him a bunch of crickets and silkworms today, will he likely...
Parasites test was negative though?
Never hornworms. Silkworms 2 every other day with 2-3 crickets. The past few weeks though it’s just been 5-6 crickets every other day.
Hi all!
My male Balerion has been having some diarrhea the past few weeks. Back in October I had a fecal done and it was negative for any parasites. He had a nice solid poop last week but just yesterday he had a runny diarrhea mess (which followed a nice urate and solid poop). I recently fed...
I haven’t gotten the chance to get him in, but an opening may have actually just come up. He finally pooped (after almost a week) and I don’t want to have to wait another week for more poop, how long will this “last” before I can get it to the vet? Unfortunately most clinics are closed due to...
Okay so it’s been months and my Cham has been through the ringer - I would like some opinions/thoughts:
At the beginning of February he was prescribed Ceftazidime injections which I followed, which did nothing. Following this, I requested my vet put through a baytril prescription. In the...
I’m sorry to hear this and for your loss. I hope maybe this has helped you to realize that perhaps chameleons aren’t the best pet for you. Best of luck with your future pet ventures and feel welcome to stick around to continue to learn about their unique husbandry requirements.
Not to mention honestly I don’t think that r/theflex is ready to take on a chameleon at this point, you only joined the forum a couple hours ago and are learning a lot. Keep doing your research but this isn’t the Cham for you. Also, yeah this is an old post.
To OP: my heart goes out to you, I’m...
$700 is literally the absolute minimum. I think to give your Cham a solid start for a full life, you’d need to spend around $900-$1,000. There are no shortcuts with chameleons, they are a very big investment!
Hi there!
Do NOT purchase from underground reptiles. They are notorious for catching wild animals that are infested with parasites and are sickly and sending them in terrible condition to people such as you. I would highly recommend that you seek out a reputable breeder instead. Furthermore if...
Oh this poor poor baby. Did you purchase that baytril you linked? There is a chance that’s not even baytril, since it’s not from a pharmacy, it’s not regulated like other medications. This is why I was apprehensive about purchasing baytril without a prescription, simply you don’t know what...
I couldn’t agree more. Chameleons are masters at hiding their symptoms, sometimes until it’s too late. Many times people don’t know their Cham is sick until they are on deaths door, so just because he may look slightly better, doesn’t mean he is. Chameleons don’t get over colds. I’m sorry OP, i...