Well now I don't know if her eggs were fertile or infertile. She laid some very small ones and some larger ones, so I put them all in a home-made incubator and watched them for a few weeks. The tiny ones shriveled and molded, but the larger ones stayed plump. Then a friend gave me a...
The temperature averages about 80 degrees F. I've seen 78 and 82 depending on how tightly I close the lid. If I leave a little gap in the lid it goes down a few degrees and allows for air circulation so it's pretty much staying around 80 degrees now. I have a layer of parchment paper...
Thanks for the reply, Cam. She seems to be doing great - eating like a champ, basking, hunting for loose bugs, etc.
I will look around for an incubator to buy because I'm not sure this home-made one is going to cut it for 7 months. The temperature in there is too high if I put the cover on...
48! Some VERY small but I will incubate all of them. I'm going to use a styrofoam cooler, place a few inches of water in the bottom, lay two aquarium heaters in the water, and elevate the plastic containers with vermiculite and eggs over the water. Do I need to poke holes for ventilation?
Thanks so much, Camilla! Couple of things:
She lives in a large cage with a bioactive bottom that is several inches deep. There are some plants planted in the substrate and there's also a laybin that I put in there when I originally set up her cage, just in case she preferred that...
I was going by this:
Eggs are laid 20 to 30 days after mating, or 90 to 120 days after previous oviposition in females that double clutch from a previous mating. Females that are about to lay eggs become restless and usually cease feeding for one to four days.
Or this:
Gestation. Once...
Funny you should say that because I went to check on her a few minutes ago and she was up high on one of her branches, but I noticed a big bulge or pooch hanging from her belly area. I was like "Crap, there's still an egg in there or she has some sort of growth!" but when she stretched her...
I put my male and female chameleons together on October 10 and I believe there was successful mating. For a few days now the female has been digging test holes in several different places so I've stayed away but once when I got close she hissed, which she has NEVER done. I set up a camera...
They're not on a fixed schedule (should they be?). It's more like when I'm in that room anyway I'll give each of them 4-5 dubias and maybe a silkworm, that's probably 3 times a week. If my grandchildren are over and want to watch the chamelons eat the lucky guys get an etra feeding, or I...
Hi. I've had my male for about 2 years (rescue off of Craig's List) and gotten him healthy, big and beautiful. I've had my female about a year and a half, bought her from a breeder when she was 3 months old. Yesterday I put the two together and they were both vey happy about it. They...
Thanks, MissSkittles. I look forward to more information on how much to increase her feeding. I have a fresh supply of dubia's arriving tomorrow so I guess I'll be a bit more generous at feeding time.
FYI, I have a hamster named Skittles. :)
Thanks, folks. I know it's wiser to keep waiting until she lays unfertilized eggs, but patience has never been one of my strong suits and I've been waiting 1.5 years for her to mature and be ready to breed. I won't do anything that could cause her any harm . . . is there any medical or...
Hello. I have a male veiled (about 3 years old) and 1.5 years ago I purchased a young female from a reputable breeder. They are and have been in separate cages ever since and I've patiently been waiting for her to lay some infertile eggs so that I could start planning to breed her with the...
Don't remember if I got mine from EBay or Etsy but there were plenty of sellers..... not sure if it's seasonal or not, though. Once they hatch you need to keep them provided with flightless fruit flies.
3 out of 5 of my ooths hatched within 2 days of me receiving them - what a surprise! The other two still haven't so not sure if they are duds are just not due yet but I'll be ready for them if they do. The ones I have put into my chameleon cages I never see again so I HOPE they are busy...
OK, I'm sure at some point that will probably be the route I take but since this is my first hatch I'm really excited about them and might want to riase some to adulthood, or at least juvies. I need to find a big container for the hatchlings that will contain them and the fruitflies but yet...
A few days ago I received my order of 5 mantis eggs. SURPRISE: one of them hatched today! I ran to the store and got a fruit fly culture but am really confused about lots of things - I really thought I had more time to do my homework and research before they hatched.
1. If they can eat...