" I'm so worried " Tiki not doing her normal egg laying behaviors like the small pacing she does a few days when she looking for a mate to the driving me crazy cause she is all I've the place...I'm thinking maybe she didn't get all the eggs out on the last clutch 😢 who knows a got vet for this...
Yes I laugh cause immediately those eyes are both on me like a yawk I know what's coming next that sticky tongue. Shes not the typical dont hold me dont look at me to long and I'm only tolerating your presence she actually looks sad until I go to her when I get home she always looks like she's...
Thanks so much I tell you it's nail biting start to finish... once I see that skinny body basking in the tree with dirt all over her face I can breathe again
Oh my God this just made me burst into tears how heart wrenching 😢 I'm sooooo very sorry hugs and prayers that your sadness will pass I feel your pain it hurt to read this blessings to you
She did great after pacing a day and digging then stopping coming to look around the going to dig again. I WAS like somethings wrong with the dirt / sand the everything covered with light sheet in a quiet area wala she was done and covering up her cluth went to work came home next morning and...