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  1. I

    Baby eyes and sleep

    I’m going to call them tomorrow.
  2. I

    Baby eyes and sleep

    I have an exotic vet I’ve used before for my Guinea pigs.
  3. I

    Baby eyes and sleep

    She gets calcium without vitamin D daily. Multivitamin with vitamin D twice month. She won’t eat today because her eyes are like crusted shut. I’ve tried multiple times to feed her.
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    Baby eyes and sleep

    I’m concerned because her eyes seem to stay like those little slits. She hardly opens them all the way.
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    Baby eyes and sleep

    We are hand misting 2x daily until everything is saturated. We have not seen her drink. She did drink from our fingers a few days ago. Temperature has been corrected. Basking area is now at 80.
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    Baby eyes and sleep

    I tried attaching a video of what he is doing with his eye. I’ve also attached a picture of the back feet to confirm what sex he/she is.
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    Baby eyes and sleep

    Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, unsure of the sex - thinking male because there is a bulge under the tail but I don’t note any spurs present. Thinking he is about a month old because of his size. I’ve had him since last Saturday. Handling - 1-2 times per day. He actually likes being held and...
  8. I

    Baby eyes and sleep

    I’m a first time chameleon owner, I just got a baby one last Saturday. I’m thinking she’s around 1 month old. We’re struggling to keep the humidity in her enclosure at 50%. We have a humidifier and a fogger going in the room 24/7. My question is about her eyes. She keeps them closed to little...
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