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  1. spookylizards

    Tips for keeping plants alive?

    Yeah! I actually forgot to note in my original post that since I took that photo, I’ve taken the fountain out, it lasted about a day in there before i found out about the potential for bacteria in one of the informational videos i like to watch during my free time LOL!! He mainly drinks from the...
  2. spookylizards

    Tips for keeping plants alive?

    Awesome! This helps tremendously! Any tips for knowing when it’s time to water the plants? I certainly don’t wanna drown these dudes LOL!
  3. spookylizards

    Tips for keeping plants alive?

    Hi there everyone! I took all the advice I got on my last thread and fully upgraded Yoshi into a 2x2x4 cage, with plenty of branches to climb around and live plants for foliage! (Btw, took Yoshi to the vet after my first thread and found that he is in great health! a little small for his age...
  4. spookylizards

    Veiled Chameleon hanging out at bottom of cage?

    oh my goodness thank you guys so much for all the helpful and insightful tips! i will definitely be hitting up the local nursery today for some chameleon safe plants and replace the ones i have in there now and make sure i add plenty more for extra foliage! if i can’t find any good ones there...
  5. spookylizards

    Veiled Chameleon hanging out at bottom of cage?

    Update: Vet appointment scheduled for this coming Tuesday!
  6. spookylizards

    Veiled Chameleon hanging out at bottom of cage?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, male, about 10 months, been in my care for 3-4 months. Handling - more regular when i first got him, infrequent now as he seems to be a little more feisty Feeding - 6-8 super worms dusted with calcium (no d3) every feeding (every other day...
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