so this to me looks like a worm.. this is the first i’ve see of this. my veild (female) is about 5 months old. she has a very diverse diet. ranges from horn worms, dubia roaches, meal worms, wax worms, and super worms. she’s very active. i haven’t noticed anything off. i just moved her to a...
thank you!! it took my like 7 hours to build and many hours of shopping and researching safe plants. So from left to right across the top (the bottom photo). the dual Multi colored LED bulb on the left is my grow light for the plants. to the right of that is my 18 in UVB bulb. and in the back...
UPDATE: The baby is in her new cage. she already seems better. a little scared but she’s already eaten. i brought her other food dish over so she recognizes it. she’s already eaten. i have a grow light for the plants. a 18in UVB bulb (T5). also made sure she had her basking branch. all live...
So i’m in a bit of a pickle. my baby pascal (Female Veild) is about 4-5 months and i’m upgrading her cage. the only issue is. she seems to be very afraid of my hands. even had her hiss at me in one case (which was my fault, i approached in a very bad way.) i’ve been approaching VERY VERY slow...
It is not problem at all that you talk alot. i’m thankful for allllll the information you given me. i’ve been restlessly researching and reading to give baby pascal the perfect home. so getting accurate, recent information is awesome! i’m gonna get that uvb fixed today! also just her new...
so i haven’t seen any dig spots or anything. her usual colors are a mild green. not to bright and not really dark. unfortunately i do work 12 hours a day so i never really witness a poop. i just examine the urate (which has been a nice white) but yes this past weekend i was puzzled at her...
so i just just put her to sleep. so i’ll get some pictures to you Asap when i get up. i’ve had her for about 1 and a half months. she’s unfortunately had the coil type uvb since i got her. i did not know how crap it is until recently. but after doing a lot of research i realized how wrong i’m...
Help please, i’m a new owner of a Veild chameleon and i know this enclosure is less than ideal. i’m working on getting a 2’x2’x4’ enclosure this weekend with the long UV light and all live plants. Pascal is Roughly 5 months old. she eats great. her diet consists of Dubia roaches. Meal worms...