We really love the chameleon and hope we would never have to sell it. but it’s been tough doing all the work while being busy with other stuff
About the Chameleon:
Age: 8 months
Sex: Male
Temperament: Easy-going and friendly
Diet: Eats 3-4 dubia roaches per day
Included with the...
We will keep an eye on the legs, and I’ll post more pictures once he finishes his shed. Here are some neat ones during the process!
Thank you all for the quick responses! I was a stressed out mama, thinking my son was coming home from school to a dead Chameleon. Glad his graying color was just...
I just added 5 crickets to his terrarium and he propped himself up with interest. He does look unstable to me though. He is a bit wobbly. Here are some pictures.
Yes he is under the heat lamp, but even when he sat up, he looked weak and his color has changed. Yesterday I noticed he was a darker green color. Today he has lightened up and is more brown.
Hello! I just noticed my son’s chameleon is laying on his side on branches. He wasn’t like this just a few hours ago when we first woke up. We just bought this chameleon about 4 days ago. I will tell you what I know, but my son is the one who knows more and he is currently at school. The Cham is...
Hey y’all I haven’t posted in a while but I wanted let y’all know that Yoshi my chameleon died from dehydration
im getting another panther cham soon and have an enclosure that would suit him really well