Thank you for the reply! If I got two different cpu fans, could I just position one on one side facing up and one on the other side facing in to create the air flow?
Something interesting to mention is that Bill Strand himself says that people who say that a chameleon has to be kept in a screen enclosure are simply wrong, and that with proper air flow, a solid walled enclosure can be beneficial. Again, thank you for your reply! I will be doing even more...
Some people that I talked to were very concerned about the enclosure and said that screen is always the way to go with a chameleon. They got very frustrated at me. They seemed to only have experience with bigger species like panthers and veiled, so I was wondering if what they said has any...
I have asked around and I’ve heard that it will not work from a few people now. Im wondering if I could add anything to this enclosure to make it work? Maybe a fan or maybe drill some holes in the front? The difficult thing is I’ve spent a lot of time on this enclosure, setting it up, the custom...
Oh I forgot to mention. I am not fully ready for a chameleon just yet, but I am getting close. I still need to fill in some area with plants and buy a UVB light, but the light type is dependent on the species of chameleon.
I am in the market for a smaller species of chameleon. I’m very interested in carpets or Pygmies but it is difficult to purchase those species as of right now. My tank size is 30” wide x12” deep x18” tall. I can post pictures as well. Are there any species of chameleon that can fit my tank other...
Im in the market for Pygmies as well. I am looking specifically at Bearded Pygmies (Rieppeleon Brevicaudatus), or Spectral Pygmies (Rhampholeon Spectrum), I have messaged Micheal Nash, and he said that there are very limited breeders right now. I’ve signed up for various newsletters for when...
Im in the market for Pygmies as well. I am looking specifically at Bearded Pygmies (Rieppeleon Brevicaudatus), or Spectral Pygmies (Rhampholeon Spectrum), I have messaged Micheal Nash, and he said that there are very limited breeders right now. I’ve signed up for various newsletters for when...
Im also in the market for some carpet chameleons, so ANY information would be absolutely amazing. I’ve done tons of research about how to care for them, I still need to set up a tank, so I’m not ready to buy them quite yet, but just somewhere to look would be great.