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  1. N

    Comment by 'newchamfan' in 'Free-range inspiration'

    what modifications did you make to prevent escaping? I want to build something like this but not sure what to do about that as I have a dog that could be a problem if the cham makes it out.
  2. N

    Can my chameleon bite kill me?

    yeah i do wash my hands. my concern is their bite breaking skin and killing me from an infection.
  3. N

    Can my chameleon bite kill me?

    I hear their bite doesn't hurt too bad but I am scared of an infection? Is it possible that a cham bite can get infected and cause death?
  4. N

    Chameleon doing weird things

    Nicely planted tank. I actually have the exact same one. How are you attaching the plant to the glass sides?
  5. N

    favorite: Panther vs Veiled

    12 years on? are you still keeping chams? beautiful cham btw rip storm!
  6. N

    Got two chameleons and split the cage, please review my husbandry

    also, does my cage need more branches?
  7. N

    Got two chameleons and split the cage, please review my husbandry

    Thank you but I cant put these in the living room. Plus I want to mist, mesh cages would be a problem. appreciate the response though
  8. N

    Got two chameleons and split the cage, please review my husbandry

    thanks my response above in blue^
  9. N

    Got two chameleons and split the cage, please review my husbandry

    Thanks. The gaps through the divider are extremely small. It's foliage, a fake grass wall. How good is their vision? I have to squint to see through to the other side.
  10. N

    Got two chameleons and split the cage, please review my husbandry

    The fake plant you see is an old picture. I have only real plants in the enclosure. each cage is essentially 18x18x36. I can't get another one. I've read conflicting reports that they can indeed be kept in this sized cage as adults. thanks for your reply appreciate it. How is my supplement...
  11. N

    Got two chameleons and split the cage, please review my husbandry

    Background - Went down the chameleon rabbit hole. Got a veiled (3-4 months) and got addicted. Now a month later I bought a 36(L) x 18(W) x 36(L) Exo terra hybrid cage and split it down the middle to house two chameleons. Im getting a panther baby 3-4 months). Good or bad idea. Not really...
  12. N

    Veiled-male or female?

    Thanks for the reply nonethless :) any experts/breeders want to chime in?
  13. N

    Veiled-male or female?

    what stripes? When he\she fires up i can see the vertical yellow lines.
  14. N

    Veiled-male or female?

    I was convinced it was a male but now I’m having second thought. I think I see the spurs but the casque is small.
  15. N

    How big of an enclosure to host a few chameleons + bunnies + other species

    new chameleon keeper but this hobby hit me hard and I cant get enough. I'm kind of trying to go for the jungle look and have a spare closet I think I can convince the wife to turn into a full blown "mini-zoo". its about about 100X48X120. Was thinking of setting it up with a ventilation system...
  16. N

    Someone please help me sex this chameleon

    Yes, i had missed his response on that thread. Just visited and saw.
  17. N

    Is this a male or female

    Thanks for everyone that chimed in. The colors threw me off. Didn’t think such colors on a female were possible. I thought they were all beige/grey.
  18. N

    Someone please help me sex this chameleon

    Would be incredibly grateful. Im Hearing conflicting opinions on whether this is a male or female panther.
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