Thank you so much for sharing this article with me. Caetta and Kruger's experiences and insights on chameleon husbandry in colder climates are helpful.
I hope I will be able to set up at least one room in my house that will allow me to create the necessary conditions for chameleons.
Thanks Beman!
That's my problem.
I can't control my house's inside temperature when the outside temperature is below 5° F. Last winter when the temperature outside dropped to -20° F the temperature in my house was below 50° F.
I think I can add insulation to the walls, floor and ceiling of...
I'm trying to work out how I can keep chameleons here in Maine.
Do chameleon keepers in cold climates give up on providing their chameleons cage airflow and the day/night temperature and humidity cycle during the coldest days of winter?
Is it too much stress on chameleons to have no day/night...