I considered just turning out all of their lights at night. But then I stopped. I think because I was worried they would get cold, ya know? Well that is good to know. I will start turning it off. And can someone who has good experience with Veileds clarify what is the best type of enclosure for...
I've also read that you need to have day time and night time bulbs, so the light doesn't interfere with sleeping. To cut back costs, couldn't I technically just cover the light with something that shields the light, and not the heat?
That's what I heard. And that's kind of annoying that they work that way...But whatever. LLLReptile has them for what, like twenty bucks? SO much better than forty at retail stores.
For UVA, 150W Zoo Med, and for UVB...I'm not sure. I got it from my brother's friend. For all my other animals, Zoo Med is the UVB I provide, so when her UVB goes out, I'll probably be using that brand. Is that a good brand?
Jees. What the hell. I thought I could trust my vet hahaha. So you DO recommend gut loading crickets and mealworms? This is so confusing. I do dust the crickets with...let me see...2:0 T-Rex 'calcium no phosphorus with D-3'. But obviously I don't do it enough, because Boga didn't look too good...
So when I first got my chameleon, Boga, I did all the research and everything, it all said to feed gut loaded crickets, mealworms, etc. And that is what I've been doing. But when I went to the vet, she told me that's not okay, and that even when fully gut loaded, crickets still lack nutritional...
Thank you, you guys. I got Boga (named after Obi-Wan's big green lizard in episode III) some antibiotics and food. So she should be doing alright. Pray for her!
Well it's happened where I haven't seen her. She usually just goes to sleep hidden away deep in the pothos. You know? Well shit. This sucks. Does anyone know of any chameleon vets near Portland? hah.
So I hadn't seen my chameleon in a day of two. I looked through the pothos to see if she was hiding real well, then I discovered her trapped inbetween a pot, and a potted plant, on her back :( She's still alive, but really weak, and bruised. She can use her front legs a little, not her back...