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  1. AmayaD.Pastel

    Is my chameleons head ok?

    thank u
  2. AmayaD.Pastel

    Is my chameleons head ok?

    i’m also useing uv light and a heat lap at 100 volts (light and dark light)
  3. AmayaD.Pastel

    Is my chameleons head ok?

    he bulbs are at 100 but there high up compared to his climbing cage. Oh i didn’t even notice that was cheek fat. he’s had that ever since he was little
  4. AmayaD.Pastel

    Is my chameleons head ok?

    I have noticed in this last month that my 3 year old chameleons head crown seem to be damaged. He eats well, sleeps good hours, and has water available all day long. This concerns me because i thought it was just a shed but it didn’t peel. Seems dry, and like there a crack going around the top...
  5. help what’s wrong with my chameleons head?

    help what’s wrong with my chameleons head?

    He is about 3 years old i have noticed no issues regarding his crown. Till this past month where i thought he was shedding his head, but it’s seems to stay a white film that does not peel off and is a dry ring around it. He eats well, peels well, n also i keep him humid. i’m just concerned.
  6. IMG_6181.jpeg


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