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  1. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    So he said it seems like it’s just surface level infection right now and a topical may work. Wanted me to come back in two weeks and if it got worse at all to come in right away and he may scrap it. He just didn't want to start there if there wasn't a need. Nothing is open wound right now...
  2. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    Hey everyone!! Thank you for the support. Brought Atticus to the vet this morning and it is mouth rot. Vet said caught it on the early side so should avoid any scraping if topical antibiotics work. Keep everyone posted.
  3. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    Crickets is all he will eat right now. I’ve tried other things but he just leaves them. I found the resources section and it was soooo helpful. Basically everything I was told at the pet store was wrong. So going to revamp everything tomorrow. I’ll get him to the vet this week. I think the...
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    Help-white sore around mouth

    @JacksJill thank you for looking also. When I bought him they said it was shedding and it didn’t go away. Sigh I’ve never been to a reptile vet before so don’t really know what to expect. Is there a general price range I should expect? No issue paying I have other pets and just want him to...
  5. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    AWESOME!! Thank you everyone!
  6. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    They specialize in it but I live in Durham NC if anyone has recs
  7. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    I haven’t brought him yet but there is a local one I could probably get him into next week. Unless it seems serious I could try and get an early appointment tomorrow. I deeply appreciate the feedback.
  8. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    He legit hates being touched. I could try I think I saw there is another thread about how to do this?
  9. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    It’s been getting a little low during the day at times 50’s but try and keep it 70+. I may need to get a mister. I’m misting 3x a day
  10. M

    Help-white sore around mouth

    I’ve had this guy for about a month and he got this little white sore a few days after coming home. I figured it was probably from eating but realize I may have been wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
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