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  1. S

    How to breed

    To breed veiled chameleons safely, start by making sure they have separate cages until you're ready to introduce them. When it's time, put the female into the male's cage for short periods, watching for signs they're comfortable. Keep an eye on their behavior to make sure they're not stressed...
  2. S

    How do i feed new cham crickets without them jumping away?

    To feed your new chameleon without crickets jumping away, you can try a few things. First, make sure the feeding cup you use has small holes that crickets can't escape through easily. You can also put something like a piece of fruit or a small leaf in the cup to attract the crickets and keep...
  3. S

    How best to keep crickets?

    To keep crickets healthy for your chameleon, start with a container that's big enough for them all. You can keep about 50 crickets at a time. They need food like vegetables or special cricket food and a water source. You can also add substrate and moss for them to hide and feel comfy, but keep...
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