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  1. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Hmm, unfortunately that sounds about right. I'm glad I'm able to help her and that she's not resisting. I'll go do some more reaserch into that. Never heard of it so I greatly appreciate it.
  2. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    That's the same chart I have screenshoted lol! The only plant in her cage is a small money plant for her to hide in. The dandelion is in one of my male chams cages. He doesn't take to veggies very much and the crickets like to lay in them so he mostly uses it as a bait and trap situation.
  3. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Ugh thank you. Very helpful. I put a little more of my reply to you in the update a few above. I'm just now getting back to everyone. My hormonal butt sobbed when I finally got some cricket mush into her mouth and git her to swallow. She's doing better, working on a vet appointment still...
  4. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Good to know. Didn't know the regs would take them. Exotic is on vacation. Will call today.
  5. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Yes just pissed as all he'll, luckily not gravid. Aunt in law is a Cham pro with gravids so luckily she'll be able to help with that rodeo. Only ever had males before because I don't like dealing with the eggs lol. Good to know about the calcium, I'll be switching. It was a sample bottle we got...
  6. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Thank you to everyone!! We got a sample size of the repti that has D3 so we've just been using that. I will make the switch. Immediately. Come to find out from the previous owners she was only given calcium 1-2 times a month. Been mashing up crickets and finally have gotten her to eat a bit...
  7. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Trying to find a vet that will take us. Not many exotic vets that will take a Cham where we live. Will call UT in Konoxville, definitely. Thank you so much! Yes I will fill this out right now to get as much help as possible. It's so sad to watch. - Female veiled chameleon. Told shes 8 months...
  8. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    Got her under our T5 bar. She sat under it all night. Could I mix calcium powder with water? She doesn't appear to be able to take solids because she's so swollen around her throat
  9. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    I should also mention she can't close her mouth and it doesn't appear she can use her tongue. She has no appetite and appears to have trouble moving around. Our male chameleon is around the same age and he's full of energy, but she's very slow and seems unsure of her footing. She kinda scoots...
  10. Eliza4310

    Rescue Cham W/ stomatitis?

    I drove 5 hours to rescue this female veiled cham yesterday. We named her Luna. They didn't want her because they were scared of her and said she was aggressive. She, like most chams, is cage defensive and was making a little hissing sound and opening her mouth. When I got there, I immediately...
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