Okay, I’ll work towards making those changes. In the meantime should I just keep the UVB off? It’ll be a few days until I have a chance to redo his set up
Honestly, he's already doing so much better! I think it's the fogger at night. He's been very active and moving around. Today I took out all of his fake plants so now his cage looks a little sad :( Later this week I'll pick up some new live plants to try and put in there. BTW his monstera is...
Okay, I'll make those adjustments! Thank you again for the advice! I already have an exotics vet in my area that I use when any of my herps have issues, so I'll probably go there. I've glanced over y'all's vet list previously and there arent any on there which are in my state.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I already feel a lot better. His UVB bulb is a reptisun, but the tube type. Does it look like it is a proper distance from his basking spot? Also, any tips to keep the fogger from soaking the carpet around the cage? I thought as long as the...
Hello all! I have been sleuthing on here for a while now, but I have finally decided it is time to make my own post for specific help.
Brief History: A little over a month ago I rescued a male veiled chameleon from a "friend". She said he is around a year old. She was keeping him in the proper...