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  1. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    thanks so much!
  2. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    thank you, just need something to help him out until i can schedule a vet visit.
  3. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    i don’t live in any of those states, if anyone knows a good maryland vet let me know. will continue to search for new vets.
  4. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    went to the store to get the cream and was told i need a prescription. upset but nothing i could do about it, so i got a generic burn cream and saw iodine tincture that’s supposed to help with infections for burns. am i okay to use these on him or do i specifically need the sulfadiazene cream...
  5. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    thank you so much ! will do i pulled the 100 watt bulbs the next week or so after i got him, so about 3 years ago now and haven’t used them since. thanks so much for the help, ill get a probe the same day i get his cream. we’re snowed in right now so unfortunately he’ll have to wait another day...
  6. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    85-88 was the temp of his body under the bulb.
  7. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    i’m using the zoomed screw in bulbs and 60 watt bulbs since 100 made it too hot, basking temp is around 85-88. i will get the sulfadiazine cream and see if that helps. vet said chameleon skin can take a while to heal after he got his small amputation, so how long would you recommend using the...
  8. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    hopefully that’s good, if not i can get a better pic but over 3 years i’ve never noticed a burn on him. he also gets free roam quite often as we have a few fake trees and vines running from his cage around our (unused) dining room. the pus is hardened, i’m not sure how pus works on chameleons...
  9. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    i don’t believe it would be a burn since i’ve used the same wattage bulb for 3 years. anything is possible but i’m definitely thinking of getting 2nd opinion. thank you !
  10. C

    Chameleon Head Turned Black After Shed

    First time poster, both chams have been healthy for about 3 years since i’ve got them. recently Ja’Marr, 3yr old panther cham had to get small part of his tail amputated. less than an inch, he had started to get tail rot which we believed he had caught it on something since he’s had no other...
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