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  1. laurynholly

    Jackson’s chameleon need sub species identification!!

    Wow wow wow thank you so much for this confirmation! I’m actually really happy to know I have a female and so excited to see how this differs from owning males. anything I should know about their care please share! Thank you again!
  2. laurynholly

    Jackson’s chameleon need sub species identification!!

    Thank you so much! My veiled and panther i dont handle much i plan on treating this girl the same. Funny because i was at the expo saying i wanted a cuddly reptile and left with this guy knowing that there would in fact be no cuddling lol. i have a 6.0 high output linear uvb on his enclosure...
  3. laurynholly

    I wrote a fantasy book inspired by keeping reptiles

    This sounds amazing!
  4. laurynholly

    Jackson’s chameleon need sub species identification!!

    Right. I’ve heard that often times people will end up with surprise babies. Thanks for clarifying how you identified her. Very interesting.
  5. laurynholly

    Jackson’s chameleon need sub species identification!!

    Woah! Can you tell me more about how you can tell that’s it’s a female of this subspecies?
  6. laurynholly

    Jackson’s chameleon need sub species identification!!

    I know those are the most common in the pet trade so definitely what I’m wondering as well!
  7. laurynholly

    Jackson’s chameleon need sub species identification!!

    Hey cham fam! I went to a reptile show this past weekend and in the excitement of it all found myself under ownership of a young jacksons chameleon. Shortly after the excitement of my purchase I then realized I know nothing about this animal and started to panic. I was hoping some Jackson’s...
  8. laurynholly

    Boris’ first shed with me!

    Boris is having his first shed since I brought him home in November. I’m really excited for this! As some of you saw from my first post he unfortunately has some gnarly thermal burns, sorry buddy ;( , and hopefully this shed will be the beginning of them really starting to heal. He seems to be...
  9. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    It makes complete sense and I ordered the risers last night as well so those will be in soon and I’ll have a safer and healthier home for my cham. Thanks so much!
  10. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    Okay I ordered the kit with the 6% bulb.. just to confirm, you recommend I get the tall risers in addition to this fixture?
  11. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    Wow thanks for the link that just made it ten times easier!!
  12. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    Okay I was actually gonna say I just ordered it today so I can cancel it if you recommend something else. I will now consult the forum before all purchases lol .. thank you again!
  13. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    It’s a reptizoo fixture from Amazon
  14. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    I did see these and I don’t think they are compatible with the new lighting fixture I purchased but if I can’t raise that one then I’ll have to invest in something else which would probably be this handy tool here. Thanks!
  15. laurynholly

    Possible thermal burn?

    Thank you so much for the info! I did make a new post with an image of his enclosure and you can see the lighting.. already got some helpful feedback from that. Feel free to take a peek yourself! :)
  16. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    Yes im working no figuring out how to elevate the UVB without weighing down the top of the enclosure. This UVB needs to be replaced soon and i want to figure out raising the bulb befpre that since i know the newer bulb will be stronger. i also bought a new long UVB fixture since this on is on...
  17. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    I do run a full spectrum LED for my plants.. I’m by no means a plant expert and I’ve been having a pretty easy time keeping these plants so far. The light is actually made for planted fish tanks and you can find it on Amazon. The brand is called Nicrew. :)
  18. laurynholly

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    hello all! I wanted to share my panthers enclosure. He is in an exoterra screen enclosure that is 36x18x36. He currently has a fiddle leaf fig tree, a umbrella plant, a rubber fig, a Chinese banyan and a recently added (not included in this pic) golden Pothos that I hung by the two branches to...
  19. laurynholly

    Possible thermal burn?

    I appreciate the warm welcomes and advice more than you both know! I will continue to treat him and track his progress. I definitely was bummed and felt super bad that I let this happen to my little guy but I am a VERY new keeper as I got my first chameleon, a male veiled, in July and he sparked...
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