Wow wow wow thank you so much for this confirmation! I’m actually really happy to know I have a female and so excited to see how this differs from owning males. anything I should know about their care please share! Thank you again!
Thank you so much! My veiled and panther i dont handle much i plan on treating this girl the same. Funny because i was at the expo saying i wanted a cuddly reptile and left with this guy knowing that there would in fact be no cuddling lol. i have a 6.0 high output linear uvb on his enclosure...
Hey cham fam! I went to a reptile show this past weekend and in the excitement of it all found myself under ownership of a young jacksons chameleon. Shortly after the excitement of my purchase I then realized I know nothing about this animal and started to panic. I was hoping some Jackson’s...
Boris is having his first shed since I brought him home in November. I’m really excited for this! As some of you saw from my first post he unfortunately has some gnarly thermal burns, sorry buddy ;( , and hopefully this shed will be the beginning of them really starting to heal. He seems to be...
It makes complete sense and I ordered the risers last night as well so those will be in soon and I’ll have a safer and healthier home for my cham. Thanks so much!
Okay I was actually gonna say I just ordered it today so I can cancel it if you recommend something else. I will now consult the forum before all purchases lol .. thank you again!
I did see these and I don’t think they are compatible with the new lighting fixture I purchased but if I can’t raise that one then I’ll have to invest in something else which would probably be this handy tool here. Thanks!
Thank you so much for the info! I did make a new post with an image of his enclosure and you can see the lighting.. already got some helpful feedback from that. Feel free to take a peek yourself! :)
Yes im working no figuring out how to elevate the UVB without weighing down the top of the enclosure. This UVB needs to be replaced soon and i want to figure out raising the bulb befpre that since i know the newer bulb will be stronger. i also bought a new long UVB fixture since this on is on...
I do run a full spectrum LED for my plants.. I’m by no means a plant expert and I’ve been having a pretty easy time keeping these plants so far. The light is actually made for planted fish tanks and you can find it on Amazon. The brand is called Nicrew. :)
hello all!
I wanted to share my panthers enclosure. He is in an exoterra screen enclosure that is 36x18x36. He currently has a fiddle leaf fig tree, a umbrella plant, a rubber fig, a Chinese banyan and a recently added (not included in this pic) golden Pothos that I hung by the two branches to...
I appreciate the warm welcomes and advice more than you both know! I will continue to treat him and track his progress. I definitely was bummed and felt super bad that I let this happen to my little guy but I am a VERY new keeper as I got my first chameleon, a male veiled, in July and he sparked...