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  1. pedrothepanther

    My enclosure and Boris in Pjs

    looks like you got a great set up there do you run a 3rd bulb just for the plants? I’ve been struggling to keep live plants alive in my viv for long gets expensive replacing them! Good looking little feller Boris is btw
  2. pedrothepanther

    Spot or lump on his tail

    Ideal thanks but im over the pond in the uk 😊 I’ll find someone close
  3. pedrothepanther

    Spot or lump on his tail

    Thanks for your reply, it almost looks like the scales are raised! He has let me gently touch it with no reaction so don’t think it is causing him any pain atm! Think I’ll try find a good reptile vet to take a look at it
  4. pedrothepanther

    Spot or lump on his tail

    Anyone ever seen anything like this on the base of the tail of my male panther
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