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  1. Rach82


    Cool. Yeah i have a panther chameleon, i put a tiny piece of cantaloupe in front of him...he really just looked at me like " what is that!" So maybe I'll try it again some other time. Thanks!
  2. Rach82


    I got my chameleon,Xavier, last week. He eats in the morning and usually eats 10-12 crickets. He is 2 mos old. I was just wondering if i could give him fruit like cantaloupe,honey dew,bananas in very small pieces about the size of a 1/4" crickets. Thanks in advance- Rachelle
  3. Rach82

    Where can i buy Chameleons when on a budget?

    Well, i just bought all the supplies including the cage for a new chameleon, and once i have the cage setup i will buy a chameleon. I have gone to many websites to look for panther chameleons but they all seem really expensive. i would like to buy one under 200$. Any suggestions are greatly...
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