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  1. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    He is drinking from a dripping system that I made, thank you anyways :) Okay I'll find out what are those veggies you've mentioned, if they're healthy to him, thank you again. Thank's for all the info, I'll post anything new!
  2. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Thanks :) Umm..10-12 small crickets? the cham is still as tall as my pinky, very small to eat 10 I guess? Um how tall should the plastic box be? I saw some crickets jumping really high like 1/1.5 meters or something..with taller box its harder to put fruit in i guess.. um, can i feed them...
  3. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Good, I hate those black ones. And what do you mean they will bite at night? I don't keep the chameleon with the food..I feed him at random times I put what I can catch, I don't keep the food all time with him o.o Is this good or I should change this idea? Well I'm not sure that they aren't...
  4. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Tried but failed. I'm sure that the garden isn't toxic, because noone takes care of it or spray it anything but water.. BUT WAIT A SECOND :) Sorry once you said a cricket I thought its that ugly bug that I saw when I googled it.. But I googled it today I found another results I don't...
  5. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay, some questions.. I won't feed him mealworms then, but can I breed earthworms? are they healthy for him? I guess I can find them in this time of the year and breed them for the rest.. if not...crickets..tell me if u have an idea to catch some crickets or where to find and i'll learn to...
  6. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    I'll try to find a store that sells mealworms I guess they are fine too..or crickets if i can find, i think its hard to attract 2 adult crickets to start breeding, if stores doesnt sell them..or if you got and idea to attract just some adults or something? I'll breed them, I don't think I can...
  7. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay thanks, I guess thats best idea because I got a big problem.. Weather became very cold, windy and rainy this week and couldnt find any fly at all, and silk worms can't be raised in this time of the year. I must raise crickets now..nothing else. Thank you.
  8. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Silkworms! Thank's! I have a big mulberry tree, It must have silkworms on it, I hope I will find, Raising silkworms is easy, I have all the requirements to raise them I guess! Thank you!
  9. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    How many flies should I feed it per day?
  10. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Thank's for the info :) Cool! I'll spray it, thank you. It's almost done, the whole middle is done, the head is still shedding, the back part of its body and the tail are still shedding too :)
  11. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    EWWWW! Hi again everyone.. Guys the chameleon is changing skin or something! A layer of its skin is removing or I don't know the word in english.. Is that normal? Thanks again.
  12. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay and how far should it be from the cham so it doesn't get burned or something..
  13. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Lol what do you mean no rain in israel..its winter here ofcourse it rains, but the weather is changing too much this year its like 2 weeks normal weather and 1 week rainy winter...wierd.. I mean how far should the light be from the chameleon..or the chameleon's highest place it can reach..or...
  14. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Ok thanks, and how far should the light be?
  15. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay thank you, and what does calcium look like, I mean liquid I add to the cham's water or what, and where should I buy it from? And what's the exact UVB light it needs? Thank you.
  16. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay I'll post a picture of the terrarium when possible.. I have one more question..I got this chameleon from the wild, so noone was taking care of it, so my question is.. Does it really need a perfect temprature AND calcium? I think it doesn't get that from nature, Like weather keeps changing...
  17. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay it wasn't drinking with the sprayings, Now I created a dripper and it's drinking, even when I watch it, ty :) 1. The cham's aquarium is in the house but the bug's small aquarium is outside, I can't let the small bugs enter the house or the cham's aquarium because they can get out of...
  18. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Okay I did that once but it doesn't eat when watching it I don't know why.. Ok thank you, I'll try this when I get out of those small bugs I found on the leaves :) I took it because its the first time I see this nice animal, and to learn to care for it :). Thank you for food info. Okay ty...
  19. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    ty, its hard to feed it cant get flys >_<
  20. N

    New Baby Chameleon? Help please

    Hi guys.. I live in Israel, Middle East, I uploaded the images of the cham: take a look and tell me what kind is this it looks sad or something...
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