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  1. baloo

    mist-er hater

    so if yemen have a problem with misting due to the way things are in their natural environment wouldn't a humidifier like roo uses for his brevis be a better option? running it in the morning before lights go on and a little after should present plenty of water in dew form just a thought
  2. baloo

    pygmy chams

    thanx heika i have a look on amazon that be exellent i do enjoy a good book anyway
  3. baloo

    pygmy chams

    tanx guys but i have those already i think the only way forward for me is to actually get some as i seem to have exausted all online resources
  4. baloo

    pygmy chams

    i've been researching those little fellas but so far i can not find anything that i haven't read already and i only just scratched the surface. any ideas where i can find anything more in depth like habitat and climate info pictures species guide i don't think there are many good caresheets...
  5. baloo

    yemen size

    i've seen a male yemen in one of my local shops the other week and i can't help thinking it was small. i know they r supposed to grow to 24 inch maximum so i probably expected something bigger. the body was about the size of my hand and i'm a big 6 footer. what i am wondering is how big and...
  6. baloo

    baby mellers

    rickezee hwere in the uk has just bred them
  7. baloo

    flapneck chameleon

    thanx for your replies i did want to reasearch dilepsis because i have a scource that sells cb dilepsis for the 2nd time in 3 month. they seem a decent shop but i have to ask about to find out for sure. i do not like yemens, i find the casque looks aweful. it...
  8. baloo

    flapneck chameleon

    anyone? i hope this is not one of those forums where the new guy with the stupid questions gets ignored?
  9. baloo

    flapneck chameleon

    hi all i'm lookig to find more info on flapneck chameleons as all the info i found so far conflicts with eachother. some say its a beginner some say is an advanced keepers cham well since i'm a beginner and do not have the space for a yemen or panther i'nm looking into smaller species i...
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