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  1. windy

    Veiled with a tongue issue

    We've had a mini-breakthrough!! After 2 weeks of me fussing and faffing with the poor little blighter I'd kind of accepted the inevitable :( And then yesterday, for the first time in weeks, he not only stalked a small cricket but perservered until he managed to eat it :D He's still not shooting...
  2. windy

    Veiled with a tongue issue

    Thanks for the help guys, it's really appreciated :) Hoj - love the idea of cricket surgery!! Lol But the only thing I can get him half interested in is a waxworm and then he'll make a move for it, seem to remember that he cant shoot his tongue and loses interest rapidly. :( If you don't...
  3. windy

    Veiled with a tongue issue

    Thanks for the reply kinyonga! Right here goes : The vet thought he'd possibly injured his tongue. He likes to roam about the lounge when I'm at work so is a possibility. On the second visit the vet noticed some swelling in his rear mouth/throat area - which I presume is the reason for the...
  4. windy

    Veiled with a tongue issue

    My almost 4 year old veiled has had an issue with his tongue for a week or so now. Have had him to the vets twice - the first time he was still shooting his tongue an inch and I was successfully hand-feeding him. But after a week he wasn't shooting his tongue at all and unless I peed him off...
  5. windy

    Member ratio

    :D Well I'm a pushin 40 female. All me own hair, half me own teeth :D
  6. windy

    New to the forum first DYI enclosure

    I want one too please!! The sloping floor is a fab have you achieved it?? (I have pen and paper at the ready...yup, Im unashamedly nickin your ideas:D )
  7. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Well his 'burn' is looking a lot better this evening....and the best thing is he's still friends with me. Think he directed all his anger towards the vet! He's still not looking his ravishing best, but I have pics of him (probably far more than I have of my kids :D ) Just gotta work out how to...
  8. windy

    Hypermelanistic Yemen Chameleons (Veiled)

    Jeez just seeing those little guys makes me want to build another viv right now :D
  9. windy

    Best way to transport?

    No he didnt put anything on it but it is looking better today then it was yesterday and a lot of the flakiness on the edge has gone, the patch also seems to be shrinking and you can see the tessellations on his skin again now. I'm keeping a mega-close eye on it though and have moved and...
  10. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Just got back from the Vets and it's okay!!! I'm ecstatic:D Vet thinks it is most likely a burn, there's no infection there and it was looking a bit better when I tried to get him in his box/towel/branch/wheat bag contraption :D I'm feeling very reassured that I'm doing the right things with...
  11. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Oh thank you thank you thank you!! I feel so much better now :p I came here after a guy on a general reptile forum said he had MBD and started havin a rant about how people shouldnt keep such complex creatures. I was heartbroken and still have puffy eyes :eek: Plans for a new bigger and...
  12. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Awww thank you!! I must say I stumbled across this forum by accident but it's great and everyone's so friendly:) I'm in the south of the UK and we've had some terrible weather the last few weeks, but today the Gods are shining on me and we're thawing!! I'm sooo glad you said the heat lamp...
  13. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Excellent!! Well I think I've got everything I need to get him there now. He's not going to like it though, he probably wont be my friend for weeks afterwards. Like when he fell off the curtain pole once - he wouldnt let me hand feed him for weeks and every time I went near him he reared and...
  14. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Okay here goes...sorry not the best pic in the world but you can sort of see what I mean.... :(
  15. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated and most informative :) I have a wheat bag dry hot water bottle thing that you warm up in the you think that would be suitable to put in the box to keep him warm?? Just thinking it's probably easier to transport Jann I'm soo...
  16. windy

    Best way to transport?

    Hi all:) I'm new to this forum and unfortunately am after some advice. I have my 2 yr old male Veiled booked in at the vets tomorrow - what's the best way to get him there? I mean, I'm driving him in the car :D but do I put him in a box?Should I put anything else in there with him to keep him...
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