Motherlode Chameleon
Last updated

Captive Experience Breeding Experience

  • Captive Experience
    From 1 to 3 years
    Experience began in November, 1996

    Total Specimens
    Oldest Male
    2 years
    Oldest Female
    2 years

    WC Specimens
    WC Gravid Females

    Captive Experience

    This Trioceros montium pair I acquired from West Coast Chameleon Farms in November 1996. The male had a small chip on one of his front horns. This species did great when feed field plankton and other small insects. This species required densely planted terrariums with high humidity and regularly available water (mistings). They are a personable chameleon species.
  • Breeding Experience
    Less than 1 year
    Breeding experience began in November, 1996

    Total Clutches

    Breeding Notes

    I got one clutch of eggs from my female Trioceros montium female. My incubator did not have a cooling mechanism and the clutch molded over after about 3 months in the summer inside the ranch house.
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