Motherlode Chameleon
Last updated

Captive Experience Breeding Experience

  • Captive Experience
    From 1 to 3 years
    Experience began in May, 1996

    Total Specimens
    Oldest Male
    3 years 6 months
    Oldest Female
    4 years 6 months

    WC Specimens
    WC Gravid Females

    Captive Experience

    My male was a captive bred Tioceros quadricornis quadricornis. While my two females were mature adult wild caught Trioceros quadricornis quadricornis. My male did not respond well to the summer heat in the ranch house and after he passed I rehomed the females.
  • Breeding Experience
    Less than 1 year
    Breeding experience began in October, 1996

    Total Clutches

    Breeding Notes

    I introduced both females to the males enclosures a couple of times and observed some head bobbing. I never observed any mating or produced any clutches.
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