Baby Translucent Veiled Chameleons $89.99 each
Medium Veiled Chameleons On sale! $39.99 each (males and females available)
Gorgeous Adult Males - $99.99 each
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Currently available list of Chameleons
Baby CB Veiled Chameleons 3 - 4" $39.99 each
Small CB Veiled Chameleons 4.5" - 6.5" $49.99 each
Medium CB Veiled Chameleons 9 - 11" $59.99 males / $65.99 females
Sub Adult Male Veiled Chameleons 12 - 14" $89.99 each
After a whole year of planing and arranging our little yemen guy is finally here. He arrived saturday evening and already he's brought us tons of joy. He's such a sweatheart and handsome too! He was born in Sweden in february, so he's about 5 months old. He seems healthy in every way, but please...