
  1. MrSideliner

    My Cape Chameleon catching flies (South Africa)

    Here is a short video of my Cape chameleon catching flies :D The first time I posted you guys said it was blocked but now I had to change the song but same video lol The original song was "Queen - Another one bites the dust" Sad I had to remove it :( Oh well check it out and remember to rate...
  2. MrSideliner

    Mt Cape chameleon catching flies :) Please watch and if you have youtube RATE and comment! It wil mean the world to me :D Thanks!
  3. Male Knysna Dwarf And Female Cape Dwarf

    Male Knysna Dwarf And Female Cape Dwarf

    My babies !!!
  4. Cape Dward Chameleon

    Cape Dward Chameleon

    This could be the Mom
  5. Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    On the Move
  6. Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Spotted purely by chance in our garden
  7. Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon Close-up

    Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon Close-up

    Taken in Kenton, South Africa
  8. Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Bradypodion Ventrale captured in Kenton, South Africa
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