
  1. Female Midlands Dwarf

    Female Midlands Dwarf

    From my "Sunset pastel" line
  2. Midlands Dwarf Breeder Male

    Midlands Dwarf Breeder Male

    Bradypodion Thamnobates - from my "Blueblood" line.
  3. Midlands Dwarf Breeder Male

    Midlands Dwarf Breeder Male

    From my "Blueblood" line. 3.5 years old.
  4. Male Knysna Dwarf - Aka George

    Male Knysna Dwarf - Aka George

  5. Male Knysna Dwarf And Female Cape Dwarf

    Male Knysna Dwarf And Female Cape Dwarf

    My babies !!!
  6. The Colour Of Basil

    The Colour Of Basil

    This is the closest I've managed to get in capturing the true colors of my favorite cham. As you guys know I'm a bit of a purist with my photography hence this photo is unedited.
  7. Cape Dward Chameleon

    Cape Dward Chameleon

    This could be the Mom
  8. Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    On the Move
  9. Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Baby Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Spotted purely by chance in our garden
  10. Basil In The Morning Sun.

    Basil In The Morning Sun.

    Bradipodion damaranum female basking in the morning sun. Initially thought to be a male so was named Basil after her favorite plant.
  11. Gremlins Return

    Gremlins Return

    Midlands dwarf chameleon
  12. Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Another one fo George I.
  13. Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Kynsa Dwarf Chameleon

    Another one of George I.
  14. Picture 11064

    Picture 11064

    CH K. tavetana
  15. Bradypodion Thamnobates

    Bradypodion Thamnobates

    Took about 100 pictures of the guy.
  16. Bradypodion Thamnobates (natal Dwarf)

    Bradypodion Thamnobates (natal Dwarf)

    Another pic of this magnificent chameleon.
  17. Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon Close-up

    Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon Close-up

    Taken in Kenton, South Africa
  18. Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Eastern Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    Bradypodion Ventrale captured in Kenton, South Africa
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