my female panther is a little over 2 years old, she was mated with my 8 month old ambanja, a while back , since then she laid her first clutch of eggs(as she has never laid any eggs prior) anyhow those eggs were laid 6 weeks after mating, and i assumed they were fertile, until i learned that...
One of my two veiled female chameleons has a clutch of infertile eggs. She is approx. 7.5 months old.
It was about two days ago that I noticed the weirdness. She stopped eating, and her eyes began to sink in. Thinking it wasn't because she had eggs (I keep both the girls' temps in the low...
I searched both the forum and the web for a pic of infertile cham eggs. My female just laid 34 eggs and according to the store I get her from she's never been with a male. By the time I got my males she wanted nothing to do with them (unless they snuck out of their cages in the heat of the...