CB male ambilobe ybbb/rbrb 3 month old listed is lineage grand father, father, and father on mothers side this guy is gonna be amazing. $175 plus ship 973 563 9097 also have a female same age available
2 beautiful Female kenyan Jacksons chameleon one is prego. Been here 2 months eating very well. Remember these are not Hawaiian these are from kenya you will do good if you breed to other true kenyans fresh wc blood.
Take both for $150 plus ship . 973 563 9097
Currently available list of Chameleons
Baby CB Veiled Chameleons 3 - 4" $39.99 each
Small CB Veiled Chameleons 4.5" - 6.5" $49.99 each
Medium CB Veiled Chameleons 9 - 11" $59.99 males / $65.99 females
Sub Adult Male Veiled Chameleons 12 - 14" $89.99 each
I know j.jacksonii can be hard to sex when young as both males and females have 3 horns.
I asked for 3 females knowing they are hard to sex at this age (around 4 months) but I think the first is a male...... What do you guys think?
Suspected male?
I think female.
and the 3rd...
Xanth females generally have no horns and meru females generally have none or one.
But t.j.jacksonii females have 3 so I have researched how to tell males and females apart as babies and can not get a good answer.
At what age are males horns obviously bigger than the females?
Can they be...
Ok. Thank you to Chris Anderson for answering my last thread, hope he or someone else can answer this for me.
There is a guy selling a breeding pair of Mt meru Jackson chameleons.
Looking at the photos im convinced that the male is a Jacksonii jacksonii not a jacksonii merumontanus.
Anybody owning dwarf/ mt meru Jackson chameleons in Europe?
Would love to get some soon if anybody will have some available. Maybe at Hamm in September or November.
I'm in the UK and there seems to be nobody owning them!