
  1. Treasure Of The Garden

    Treasure Of The Garden

    Young male ambilobe explores orchid garden
  2. Another Vanda Orchid

    Another Vanda Orchid

    Vanda vasco pine river
  3. My Orchid Rack

    My Orchid Rack

    My orchid rack that my awesome boyfriend built for me!
  4. One Of My Orchids

    One Of My Orchids

    I have somewhere around 40 orchids. This is a vanda Robert's Delight 'tor blue'. The plant is roughly 5' 8" tall.
  5. Louie In The Sun On Orchid

    Louie In The Sun On Orchid

    5 mo old ambanja basking in the sun through the window
  6. King Of The Orchid

    King Of The Orchid

    5-month old Jean-Luc checking out my yellow orchid in the window.
  7. I Can Has Flowers?!

    I Can Has Flowers?!

    To us an orchid is beautiful... to them... a PLAYGROUND! :)
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