
  1. Incubus' first day at home, taking a rest and show us some pretty blue-purple coloration

    Incubus' first day at home, taking a rest and show us some pretty blue-purple coloration

  2. Another Vanda Orchid

    Another Vanda Orchid

    Vanda vasco pine river
  3. One Of My Orchids

    One Of My Orchids

    I have somewhere around 40 orchids. This is a vanda Robert's Delight 'tor blue'. The plant is roughly 5' 8" tall.
  4. Looking Sick

    Looking Sick

    my purple body blue bar 2 month old panther
  5. 9/29/2010 After His 1st Shed With Me

    9/29/2010 After His 1st Shed With Me

  6. Ziggy Dark Purple

    Ziggy Dark Purple

    Ziggy turns darker spotted and purple; looks kinda pissed
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