
  1. martyllian

    Any tips for Installing Mistking +decorations in a 260gallon apogee reptarium?

    Hi all, We recently adopted a Melleri Chameleon. We were having a custom cage built, but the builder (a relative) had an accident and wont be able to finish it until around March. I want to get a 260 gallon Apogee Reptarium and place it on its side so it will be six foot long and about 2.6...
  2. leet13

    My reptarium background *progress pics*

    So far this is what I have... about to go down there and work on it some more. I had a hard time carving the buddha head so i added clay to it to build up some spots. Those areas are in gray (it will dry white). oh yeah, it also has one layer of grout on it so far. I need to add some zip ties...
  3. SoCaliSon

    Where does this thing go?

    I have a few Reptariums that I am using while I save the money to buy tons of Alum Cages. When I got them I just threw them together and moved on... but I noticed there is a part I can't figure out what to do with. Reptarium comes with: The Poles, The Corners, The Screen... and What the hell...
  4. Ocean @ 9 Months

    Ocean @ 9 Months

    This is Ocean in his 100g Reptarium
  5. Ocean @ 9 Months

    Ocean @ 9 Months

    This is Ocean in his 100g Reptarium
  6. Home sweet home

    Home sweet home

  7. My OLD Setup

    My OLD Setup

    This is the setup I had when Manny was little. He now has a cage that is 2 X 2 X 4
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