
  1. summoner12

    Reptile Show in SoCal

    Who is gonna be at the NARBC show this weekend? Do you have plans on buying stuff?
  2. summoner12

    Pasadena Herp World Expo Nov. 2010

    Some pictures I took at the show. I haven't uploaded all of them but wanted to get some teasers out. Meow There was a photo booth set up... pictures with the family... and snakes! This lovely lady went home with another nice young lady. This girl was beautiful...
  3. summoner12

    Pomonda Reptile Super Show pictures!!!

    I will start with Julie's (Chams1) booth. Julie has a booth called Chamo Wear. She sells all kinds of neat stuff that isn't black, and is a lot of fun for the kids and adults. These snakes are REALLY cool! She only has a few left, they sell like hot cakes so ya...
  4. summoner12

    SoCal NARBC Show in Anaheim

    So no one made a thread about it... and I know its tomorrow... BUUUUUUUT who is going? we should have some meet up times at the Tiki Tiki booth. sooo.... how about people try to show up around the booth at 30 minutes past the hour starting at 11:30. This gives some chat time and then maybe if...
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